17 Jan

Damon Brown Discusses Entrepeneurship on The Mark Haney Show

Recently, Datacate & Technicate Founder Damon Brown sat down with Mark Haney for a vidcast / podcast session of The Mark Haney Show. They talked about the journey and the spirit of entrepreneurship, and shared ideas and experiences from the road. We’ve linked to the Youtube archive of the vidcast below – if you are running a technology startup, or are thinking of launching the next big thing, watching the interview is well worth your time.

During their fast-moving discussion, Damon touches on how Technicate, and later Datacate and BlueDAG came to be. He explores how Technicate’s mission and goals have evolved over time to respond to market forces. Damon also discusses Technicate’s ongoing shift from a product development company to the business development space, helping people assess their ideas, evaluate market potential, and guide them through the steps to get to MVP.

Mark Haney is a serial entrepreneur who has experience growing companies worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He is currently the CDO and founder of HaneyBiz, a business services platform that helps entrepreneurs be entrepreneurs. He also hosts The Mark Haney Show, a regular podcast and vidcast that features notable billionaires, millionaires, and start-up founders as guests, discussing the opportunities and challenges confronting entrepreneurs on a day-to-day basis. The Mark Haney Show is available on Soundcloud, iTunes, iHeartRadio, and as a vidcast on YouTube.